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A child medical consent form gives a person other than the child’s parents or legal guardians permission to obtain medical care and make healthcare decisions for the child.
This permission is typically temporary or conditional but makes it easier for your child to receive immediate medical attention when you are not present.
What Is a Child Medical Consent?
A child medical consent form is a legal document filled out and signed by a child’s parent or legal guardian. It grants another person temporary permission to make medical decisions for the minor child in the parent’s absence, including the right to seek or provide medical treatment.
Why Do You Need a Child Medical Consent?
It is important for other caregivers to have a signed child medical consent form on hand in case your child is ever ill or injured when you are not present. Healthcare providers at an emergency room or urgent care facility will often refuse to treat minors unless one of the following is true:
- The parent or legal guardian is present.
- The parent or legal guardian has provided written parental consent.
- The child’s life is in imminent danger.
When Do You Use a Child Medical Consent?
Most daycares, camps, sports leagues, and schools require parents to fill out a child medical consent form each year. This document is kept on file in case the child requires emergency medical services while under the supervision of the institution.
You should also consider giving a child medical consent form to babysitters, grandparents, any family friend, or other caregivers who regularly watches your child or plans to travel with them.
What to Include in a Child Medical Consent
A child medical consent form should include the following information:
- Child’s name
- Legal guardian’s name and contact information
- Temporary guardian’s name and contact information
- Health insurance information
- Emergency contact information
- Child’s medical history
- Conditions of consent
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a child give consent to medical treatment?
In most cases, a child cannot consent to medical treatment. Instead, their parent or legal guardian must provide consent.
Different states have different laws and standards regarding at what age and under which conditions a minor can consent to medical treatment and which types of treatment they can consent to without a parent or legal guardian.
Is a child medical consent form the same as a medical treatment authorization form?
Yes. A child medical consent form may also be called a medical release form, consent for medical treatment of a minor, caregiver consent form, or a medical treatment authorization form.
How to Write a Child Medical Consent
Follow these steps to write a child medical consent form:
1. Provide information about the parties involved
Include the name of the child as well as the name and contact information for both the legal guardian and the temporary guardian.
2. Give an overview of the child’s health
Be sure to include any information from the child’s medical history that might be relevant in an emergency situation, such as their allergies and current medications.
If your child is covered by health insurance, provide the details of the coverage, including the insurance company name. You may also want to provide the name and number of their pediatrician, preferred medical facility, and emergency contact person.
3. Explain the conditions of the medical consent
You can use this form to consent to all treatments or withhold consent for some treatments, including dental care. You can also specify certain treatments that you allow or disallow. Be sure to date the consent, too, in a way that makes it clear when the consent goes into effect and when it ends.