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Landlords use a Lease Termination Form to notify tenants that a lease will end soon.
This notice can be an opportunity to discuss a new lease, whether a lease renewal with the same or increased rent or renewal with the same or varying terms.
What is a Lease Termination?
The lease termination form provides written notice of the date the lease will end and the tenant must vacate the premises.
In one instance, the landlord could use a lease termination form to end the lease early because the tenant has violated the contract by failing to pay rent.
Why Do You Need a Lease Termination?
Professional landlords need a lease termination form when a lease ends before the termination date. You must write contracts relating to land for them to be enforceable.
If the landlord and tenant agree to terminate a lease early, putting the notice in writing protects both parties legally.
Using a written lease termination form in situations where the landlord is terminating early because a tenant breaches the lease will also ensure your tenant has clear notice of the termination and when to move out.
It will also serve as a written record if you need to bring legal action against the tenant.
When Do You Use a Lease Termination?
Landlords need a good lease termination form when a current lease ends early, before the termination date on the lease.
Most commonly, the landlord must terminate a lease early because the tenant has significantly broken the lease. This does not include minor issues but is limited to significant breaches like failure to pay rent well after it’s due.
Also, a landlord and tenant sometimes mutually agree to terminate the lease early. Often this happens when a tenant notifies the landlord of plans to move out, and the landlord can find a new tenant immediately.
What to Include in a Lease Termination?
Sometimes a lease termination is a mutual termination to which both you and the tenant have agreed.
Other times, it serves as a notice that you will be ending the lease early without the tenant’s consent.
You should find a lease termination form that includes the following information:
- The name of the landlord and tenant
- A specific description of the premises, including the address
- The date of the original lease agreement, as well as the dates of any renewals, if applicable
- The old termination date
- The new termination date, including by when the tenant must vacate the property
- A short description of the unpaid rent or another significant breach of the lease committed by the tenant
- Information about the requirements for the condition of the property upon surrender and where to turn in keys
- A signature line for the landlord and the tenant if it is a mutual lease termination
When you need to end a lease early, protect yourself and your business with a lease termination.
How to Write a Lease Termination Form
Follow the steps below to fill out your lease termination letter.
Step 1 – Check the Terms of the Lease Agreement
Look at your rental agreement and ensure you send your lease termination form per the language in your contract.
Step 2 – Name Parties
Write the names of the landlord and tenant(s).
Step 3 – Enter the Date of the Original Agreement
Fill in the date of the original lease agreement.
Step 4 – Write Vacate Date
Enter the date by which the tenant must vacate the premises. This is either before or at the end of the lease term.
Step 5 – State Termination Reason
Choose the option that describes why you are ending the lease.
Step 6 – Specify Forwarding Address
Indicate where to send all mail and notices after the lease agreement ends.
Step 7 – Include Proof of Service (Optional)
Sign an affidavit of service if you are not the person serving the lease termination notice.