Free Room Rental Agreement
Use a room rental agreement to create a legally binding contract between tenants and sub-tenants who rent a room.
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A Room Rental Agreement is a legally binding document between a tenant and a sub-tenant to rent a particular room. It outlines the responsibilities and expectations of both parties.
Too many people simply let someone move in without a formal agreement. When a dispute arises, they need a document that outlines what they agreed to.
Use a room rental agreement to avoid legal battles and difficulties evicting sub-tenants.
What is a Room Rental Agreement?
A room rental agreement is like a lease agreement, but it is between the tenant and a sub-tenant. The document outlines all expectations for the renter and the sub-renter.
They are sometimes referred to as a sublease; a room rental agreement allows tenants to sublet a room in their leased property to a third party.
While most subleases are for tenants who want to rent their entire property to a third party, a room rental agreement is for renters who wish to lease out only a room in their dwelling.
This usually requires a landlord’s approval of the subleased room, so a professional landlord should require approval for subletting (the entire property or a room) in the original lease.
Why Do You Need a Room Rental Agreement?
You need a room rental agreement whenever your tenant wants to sublease a room in their home, apartment, or other leased dwelling unit to another tenant.
This clarifies the parties’ expectations, responsibilities, and obligations, giving the subtenant a better understanding of lease terms (which the original tenant is still responsible for).
You should ensure everything in writing to protect your rights as a landlord, including approval for tenants to sublease a room in their rental.
However, do it simply. Use our room rental agreement designed for professional landlords and create a customized form for your property with our easy-to-use document builder.
When Do You Use a Room Rental Agreement?
You can use a room rental agreement whenever you want to allow a tenant to sublease a room in their apartment to a subtenant. This may include situations like:
- Your tenant wants to sublease one or more rooms to another tenant
- A tenant has a boyfriend or girlfriend who constantly stays over and should be a tenant on the property
- You want to ensure consistent standards between tenants and sub-tenants
What to Include in a Room Rental Agreement?
A good room rental agreement will include many of the following elements:
- Term: The dates the room rental agreement will begin and end.
- Tenant Identification: This will include the identifying details and contact information of each party to the room rental agreement
- Address: The address of the apartment, house, or other premises the sub-tenant will lease.
- Rent: This will include the amount of rent and any security deposit each tenant must pay.
- Utilities Information: This describes how the tenants will divide any utilities.
- Duties and Obligations: The agreement should outline each tenant’s primary responsibilities, household chores, and obligations under the contract.
- Renter’s Insurance: The agreement should include whether the renter’s insurance is required.
- Parking: Where the tenants can park and how many cars are permitted to visit is vital information.
- Damages: This outlines each tenant’s liability for damages caused by them or their guests. It may also allocate costs when the cause is unknown.
- Smoking and Alcohol Rules: This will include whether smoking or drinking is allowed and related issues.
- Pet Permissions: The agreement should state whether the sub-tenant can have pets on the premises.
How to Write a Room Rental Agreement
Follow the steps below to write a contract to rent a room to a subtenant.
Step 1 – Write Room Rental Agreement Details
Fill in the date of the agreement and the principal tenant’s name.
Step 2 – Fill In Property Address
Describe the physical address of the property where the room is.
Step 3 – Note Lease Details
Fill in the lease term and the subtenant’s name.
Step 4 – Enter Security Deposit Amount
Indicate the amount of the security deposit.
Step 5 – Describe Utilities
Note how tenants will share utilities and whether or not the subtenant’s rent includes the utilities.
Step 6 – Write Parking Details
State whether or not the room rental agreement includes parking privileges, and if so, describe the parking spot and any vehicles.
Step 7 – Note Legal Considerations
Enter any requirements for renter’s insurance and specify the months the subtenant must give to terminate the agreement.
Step 8 – Enter Behavior Stipulations
Specify stipulations for pets, chores/household duties, overnight guests, noise levels/quiet hours, parties/entertaining, and smoking and alcohol use.
Step 9 – Fill in Additional Terms
Note the state law that governs the contract.